The Wild Feminine is a purifying and healing force.

To embody Her is to embody Eros, the heart of life itself. Through Her many forms and expressions, She initiates us, speaks to us, holds us, redirects us, and clears the mud from our eyes so we may see Truth clearly. She is fiercely devoted to Love and in service of Truth.

However, many confuse her fierce devotion with endless chaos and destruction, using Her as a justification to be inconsiderate, uncaring, cold, destructive, and cruel.

That was me. For the first three years following my awakening, I emotionally offloaded onto my husband a LOT in the name of honesty and free feminine expression. My rage and wrath had been repressed and disowned for so long, i honestly didnā€™t know the difference between wounded feminine expression and powerful Wild Feminine expression. I didnā€™t know any other options besides reverting to repression or fully expressing, regardless of the collateral damage caused.

When I was first initiated into working with true Wild Feminine energy, it shook me to my core and woke me up to the many ways Iā€™d been running away from doing the deeper work around my feminine wounding.

The Wild Feminine is a sacred energy I personally say YES to each day. She is the one that calls me out when Iā€™m withholding Love, when my actions arenā€™t in alignment with my Heart, when Iā€™m clinging to old programming of scarcity and lack.Ā When Iā€™m spiraling into a dark abyss of fearful thoughts, she is the one who says, ā€œENOUGH!ā€ then tenderly holds my face in her hands, looks me in the eyes, and speaks to me in such a way that I canā€™t help but be reminded of Who the fuck I am.

Ready to journey deeper with Her? Whether youā€™re in partnership, flying solo, or newly single, if youā€™re feeling called to do a dive-deep into the Wild Feminine, I invite you to join me for W I L D Eros: Erotic Embodiment of the Wild Feminine.Ā 

Let the Wild Feminine blast you open to the immeasurable Love, deep pleasure, and rich intimacy your heart is longing for.

Register now, and begin anytime!

Week One: Wild Feminine + Eros Foundations

What is Eros, and why is it incomplete to embody the Wild Feminine without also liberating Eros?

Week Two: Distorted Forms of the Wild Feminine

Discerning between the egoic expression of the wounded feminine and the soul-initiating expression of the Wild Feminine.

Week Three: Initiation Into Her Power

Reconciling the witch wound and reclaiming your Wild Feminine power through Erotic ritual and ceremony, and journeying through the underworld of your wounding with the support of the Dark Goddess archetypes.

Week Four: Wielding Her Sword of Truth

Dark Goddess Erotic embodiment through ritual and ceremony, and learning to express Truth in service to Love rather than fear.

Week Five: Feeling Her Heart of Love

Light Goddess Erotic embodiment through ritual and ceremony, and learning to keep your heart open through heartbreak and pain.

Week Six: Inner Union With The Sacred Masculine

Letting the Wild Feminine purify you to make way for your inner Sacred Masculine to rise and come into harmony with your powerful inner Feminine.

Yes, Iā€™m ready to register!